
The Reality Beyond Matter - Your Perception, What is it?

An article from Harun Yahya


When you look out of the window, you think that you see an image with your eyes, as this is the way that you have been taught to think. However, in reality this is not how it works, because you do not see the world with your eyes. You see the image created in your brains. This is not a prediction, nor a philosophical speculation, but the scientific truth.

This concept can be better understood when we realize how the visual system operates. The eye is responsible for transforming light into an electric signal by means of the cells in the retina. This electrical signal reaches the sight center in the brain. The signals create the vision you see when you look out of the window. In other words, the sights you see are created in your brain.

You see the image in your brain, not the view outside the window. For example, the light reaches the eyes of the person from outside. This light passes to the small sight center located at the back of the brain after the cells in the eyes transform it into electrical signals. It is these electrical signals which form the picture in the brain.

In reality when we open the brain, we wouldn't be able to see any image. However, some kind of consciousness in the mind receives electrical signals in the form of an image. The brain perceives electrical signals in the form of an image, yet it has no eye, eye cells, or retina. So, to whom does the consciousness in the brain belong?

The same question can be asked about the book you are reading now. The light coming to your eyes is converted into electrical signals and reaches your brain, where the view of the book is created. In other words, the book you are reading right now is not outside you, it is actually inside you, in the sight center in the back of your brain. Since you feel the hardness of the book with your hands, you might think that the book is outside you.

However, this feeling of hardness also originates in the brain. The nerves on your fingertips transmit electrical information to the touch center in your brain. And when you touch the book, you feel the hardness and intensity of it, the slipperiness of the pages, the texture of the cover and the sharpness of the edge of the pages, all within your brain.

In reality however, you can never touch the real nature of the book. Even though you think that you're touching the book, it is your brain that perceives the tactile sensations. In addition, you do not even know if this book exists as a material thing outside of your brain. You merely interpret the image of the book within your brain.

However, you should not be tricked by the fact that a writer wrote this book, the pages were designed by a computer and printed by a publisher. The things that will be explained in due course will show you that the people, computers and the publishers in every stages of the production of this book are only visions that appear in your brain, and you will never know whether or not they exist outside of your brain.

We can therefore conclude that everything we see, touch and hear merely exists in our brains. This is a scientific truth, proven with scientific evidence. The significant point is the answer to the question asked above, which this scientific truth has led us to ask;

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Science is a story written by installments over time, and since so much information gets updated these days, I one day found myself wondering... What is "reality"? Is matter all that is real? One thing is for sure - change.

That might seem like a silly question given how we use our senses to interact with 'reality' everyday, but I have since arrived at ideas which I am comfortable with regarding these questions (although Im still curious). So heres some questions to play with - play nicely :-)

If I had to point to where my idea or concept of reality is maintained, Id be pointing to my head - how about you?

Is all this environmental information just vibrational energies which are presented to our body and then decoded to form a perception in the brain according to our programs and patterns? ie: Do we subconsciously 'read' or filter this data then build an experience that seems real?

Can I get outside of my experience to prove anything is fact or real, or is reality bound to ones experience like the fabric to the shirt?

What of the realities I have when I dream, - my body still responds as if they are real, so what is reality?
If I am not the cause (creator) of my experience; the director of my focus of attention on some level whether awake or asleep, am I controlled by something else?
And if I am completely controlled by something other than me, what then is the purpose of my life?


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