The Miami 7, the Fort Dix 6,the Newburgh 4, the Underwear Bomber, the Portland Car Bomber... The FBI has set up then knocked down dozens of terrorist straw men in an effort to convince you that the 'war on terror' is real. This is a very real war for your mind and we may all pay a high price for ignoring it.
Bush "Blood Money" Tour Cancelled
February 6, 2011 posted by Gordon Duff
Former President George "W" Bush has been forced to cancel a highly paid speaking engagement to an Israeli group in Switzerland. Bush was going to be arrested as a war criminal. He is now fighting extradition. This will not be reported in any American mainstream media.
Wikileaks, an organization many say exposes American hypocrisy while serving Israel's global ambitions, a hypothesis well supported by even a cursory examination of the carefully chosen material "leaked" to date, has had one quite positive result worldwide. Human rights activists around the world have been vindicated and government after government is prepared to use the legal process to lash out at the remnants of America's unilateralist policies during the Bush administration.
Bush, whose two term presidency saw a virtual takeover of most US government functions, both domestic and foreign, by Israeli interests, now faces imprisonment largely because of Wikileaks, an organization said to be directly controlled by Israeli intelligence.
Psychological warfare and disinformation are not perfect sciences. This may be the biggest "Wiki-backfire" yet.
Many Americans who travel under threat
Americans abroad are seldom subject to legal scrutiny. That, however, seems to have changed. Now it seems, only Israelis will enjoy the privilege that has allowed acts like Israel's piracy attack on the Freedom Flotilla to go unpunished. Now, however, with the chilling of relations between the US and Israel, more Americans are likely to be subjected to laws demanding accountability for their parts in governmental crimes, even though they were involved in a private capacity.
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Nations under obligation to detain those complicit in torture or detainee abuse of any kind
Nations under obligation to detain those complicit in torture or detainee abuse of any kind
In coloring America's government as conspiratorial and criminal, Wikileaks has shined a spotlight on the broad involvement of many sectors in America, both public and private, and their roles in torture, murder, kidnapping and war for profit. At one time or another, every court, every police agency, every military command, every newspaper or network has knowingly advocated human rights abuses and too many have openly participated.
Totally by accident, Julian Assange may have done more to restrict air travel by Americans than the TSA, or even Michael Chertoff and the bogus "crotch bomber" or the long forgotten "Times Square fizzler."
Wikileaks has placed a target on any American who travels.
"Did he torture in Iraq as a soldier?" "Did he advise on the legality of waterboarding as a law professor?" "Did she help prosecute an alleged terror suspect who had been abused?"Not only Wikileaks, but the string of revolutions, all based on rights abuses to which the United States may have been fully complicit, has made the atmosphere even more charged. With many worldwide doubting the credibility of America's claim its government wasn't involved in staging 9/11, over 77% in Australia in a recent national poll, the human rights "rampage" waged at the demand of the United States under the discredited "war on terror" is facing wide legal review.
"George "W" Bush, Wanted for torture and crimes against humanity"
An Israeli based ultra-nationalist group, Karen Haysod, is going to wait a long time to hear George W. Bush speak. Arrest warrants have been issued in Switzerland for Bush, charging him with a broad list of war crimes under a United Nations convention that obligates any signatory nation to take a violator, one believed to have been involved in torture in any manner, into custody. Though Bush is the highest profile target of this law, literally dozens of high government officials in the US are no longer free to travel openly, along with thousands of others including judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, security and intelligence officers and members of the US military.
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For the first time in American history, a former president is not free to travel, even to peaceful Switzerland, because of an outstanding warrant for his arrest. A 2500 page criminal indictment of George "W" Bush was said to be awaiting Bush if he entered Switzerland. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair faces similar "challenges" during travel, both men paralleling the situation Hitler and Mussolini might have been in had they survived World War II due to a negotiated peace, which could have been a real possibility, many historian say.
Bush has a tenuous claim to diplomatic immunity as a former chief of state. However, continual admissions of ordering "waterboarding" or "enhanced interrogation," obligate the 147 nations that are signatory to the United Nations Convention on Torture to arrest, not only Bush, but members of his administration along with tens of thousands of members of America's armed forces who have violated this law.
Precedents set at Nuremberg established a framework for even diplomats to be executed.
Article I is simple and straight forward:
Article 1Even more curious is Article 15. Other articles cover mandatory extradition for any violator and provide for no excuses, not "following orders" or taking legal advise from former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who, by the way, also faces criminal charges.
For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national legislation which does or may contain provisions of wider application.
Article 15Reporters/pundits/bloggers, even actors, face arrest
Each State Party shall ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made.
Everyone from conservative bloggers to talk radio hosts to starts of prime time TV dramas may be at risk for prosecution, not just for torture, international law, but under expanded national "hate crime" laws, some of which are quite undemocratic and draconian, all pushed through by powerful Zionist interests. Hundreds have been imprisoned already in Europe, Canada, Australia, jailed for "thought crimes," generally criticism of Israeli foreign policy which is labeled as racism or Antisemitism. Defense of torture is covered by those same acts and now, with the current rift between the US and Israel, Americans who violated these laws in support of Israel face prosecution.
Is this "perfect irony" or what?(sic)
Before 9/11, well organized penetration of the internet by a coordinated consortium of groups funded by the Heritage Organization, the American Enterprise Institute and the Republican Party, partnered with ultra-nationalist extremists in Israel, Netanyahu's Likudists and their American branch, AIPAC set the tone for the wave of propaganda that would follow 9/11. The takeover of Fox News by Rupert Murdoch, an Israeli-Australian Likudist billionaire, put into motion the "cheerleaders of torture."
Joining this group were dozens of former military officers, hired by the Pentagon, to spread news stories meant to justify torture and illegal detention. These "Pentagon Pundits" were only a part of the US government's "psyop" (psychological operations) warfare program waged against the American people, a program carefully designed to condition the public to accept, not only diminished civil rights but widespread war crimes.
With websites like and its hundreds of virtual clones, some financed by "think tanks," some by public relations firms representing munitions manufacturers, the post 9/11 internet environment seethed with "Islamophobia" and open advocacy of, not only torture and rendition, but "death squads" and assassinations as well.
The most effective tool in this psychological warfare operation against America, conditioning the public to, not only accept war crimes as acceptable but to openly support them, was the television and motion picture industry. Literally thousands of television shows and movies were produced with themes favoring torture, rendition and assassination.
Shows like "Rescue Me" continually "sold" the now refuted 9/11 cover story while others, NCIS and dozens of police dramas, vilified Muslims while presenting a bucolic view of life in Israel. Many openly depicted acts of torture and abuse of prisoners, carefully produced to gain public support, evil and cartoonish villains, heroic Mossad agents, leering "terrorists."
Almost all shows were produced for viewing in America and Western Europe by Israeli citizens of members of pro-Zionist groups.
Torture and evangelical Zionism, war criminals in the pulpit
Torture was "sold" to congress, to the troops, to the American public as "Christian righteousness," part of a "clash of cultures." Half "crusade" and half "inquisition," America's military took on much of the language and many of the obscene practices of the Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición, the monstrosity of senseless imprisonment, degradation and abuse in order to extract confessions used to justify more torture and abuse.
From TV studios across America, from hundreds of pulpits, religious leaders, Christian Evangelicals, Zionists, Dominionists, hundreds of pastors including and especially the Chaplain's Corps of the United States military, the call came out, justifying torture, murder and rape.
America chose to put the face of Christ on the mask of the torturer and executioner and in doing so, spat in the face of g-d himself.
The marriage between America's primitive and often violent religious sects and right wing extremist politics that had begun during the Reagan administration reached full flower after 9/11, no longer constrained by any human accountability. America had contracted rabies.
All world religions are subject to attack, dogma should always be questioned. Any organization that holds belief over fact is subject to extremism. Fundamentalist sects, not just Islam, but Judaism and Christianity as well, seek a return religious law or Sharia, the Islamic name for the sacred law. Witch burning, stonings for adultery, all a part of Christian fundamentalism, one"Taliban" much like another.
One difference used to damn Islam, the extremes of dress in some Islamic nations have no basis in Koranic education but are derivative of 16th century Wahhabi "reforms unrelated to the teachings of the Prophet. (Peace Be on Him)
Where 7th century Islam may be spread by the sword, 20th century Judaism speaks of humans as "goyim" or cattle and religious leaders openly suggest that killing non Jews, even on whim, is consistent with "righteousness." The rantings of the murderous Rabbi friends of Benjamin Netanyahu are mild in comparison to the calls for nuclear incineration of "non believers" that are heard daily during the hours of religious indoctrination that cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs are subjected to.
Torture becomes second nature. This is how Dr. Aafia could be held on an American Air Force base for five years, tortured and raped, then put on trial afterwards. As religious extremism infected the military, starting with the Commander in Chief downward, personal responsibility was abrogated for the Third Reich mentality and the old excuse, "I was only following orders."
America's expansion of Israeli tactics, kidnapping, torture, mass detentions, military tribunals, on a massive scale with innocent victims dragged off the streets in dozens of countries, later to be released without apology or "disappeared," having died in captivity, succumbed to torture and abuse, has put every American under a microscope. Existing laws in Canada and Europe, enacted at the behest of Israel in order to suppress reexamination of the holocaust, can now be applied against any individual, even members of the press, who have spoken or even blogged in support of torture.
Wikileaks has, it seems, been very successful and perfectly timed. People around the world are standing up, yearning for freedom. America is an easy target. It invaded Iraq after starving 700,000 children to death. Its private airlines move kidnap victims, a rare few captured in battle, most kidnapped from streets, bus stations, dragging them to a slow death from torture. America's friends, like Mubarak in Egypt, where hundreds of illegal detainees were tortured and killed in secret detention centers, are now coming under attack.
Though Wikileaks, despite empty promises, has failed to disclose secrets outlining the slaughter of 300,000 Palestinians in an open program of apartheid and ethnic cleansing and has safeguarded the secrets of 9/11, an awakened public will seek justice and not always look toward the misdirection Assange and his friends stage.
Today, one hateful and miserable failure, a "Bush" has been "inconvenienced." The powerful and privileged of the world cringe at the idea that "one of them" might be asked to answer for crimes against humanity. Forces are being marshaled even now, legions of the cruel, the ignorant and unwashed, drawn to the side of the foppish thug.
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