Don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj
Uploaded by Mrrockitman on Sep 8, 2011
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Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek
There is no time left to be complacent. The world is changing now. Not tomorrow. Be part of the change for good. The love. Not the fear. Let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new.
Grandfather of the Maya Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek
There is no time left to be complacent. The world is changing now. Not tomorrow. Be part of the change for good. The love. Not the fear. Let go your attachment to the old world and embrace the new.
About this project
The Shift of the Ages film is a true and authentic story of the Maya, the Mayan Calendar, 2012 and the turbulent times in which we are living. Compelling and timely, this story is told through living Grand Elder, Wandering Wolf, also known as Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj.We kindly ask for your help to complete and deliver this independent film to a global audience.
We invite you to join us in our campaign to help the Maya share their message through the Shift of the Ages film.
The Story
The Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala has a profound story, shared by their leader, Wandering Wolf. As the protagonist of the Shift of the Ages, Wandering Wolf is known as "the voice of the jungle and the messenger of the Maya." The film is the Maya’s first official discourse to the world, and sharing this story with humanity is Wandering Wolf’s destiny.
In the film we journey with Wandering Wolf as he fulfills his mission to bring peace and unity to our shifting world. We learn of the Maya, the history they want shared, their spirituality, their prophecies and their honor and respect of nature.
Along the way we join Wandering Wolf on a quest to recover a sacred Mayan staff that has been misappropriated by an elder from another nation. As Wandering Wolf’s symbol of authority, the staff has the power to unite nations and to fulfill destinies.
The film documents this engaging recovery mission, while taking us through Wandering Wolf’s humble beginnings as a shoe-shine boy to his political ascent as Extraordinary Ambassador to the Indigenous Pueblos of Guatemala.
Testament to the staff’s power, shortly after its recovery in 2007 the first Guatemalan Mayan President, Alvaro Colom, was inaugurated into office by Wandering Wolf.
Wandering Wolf’s journey mirrors each human being's quest to regain authority for the fulfillment of both individual and collective destinies, as we navigate these rapidly changing and shifting times.
The Mayan Calendar Connection
The famous Mayan Long Count Calendar, expected by many to end on December 21st 2012, has prompted unnecessary fear, because people are unclear of the calendar's meaning. Wandering Wolf helps clarify these and other misunderstandings in Shift of the Ages. He says that according to Maya prophecy, we have entered a unique time-period, a “change of Suns” during which humanity traverses a significant evolutionary shift. Wandering Wolf and many Mayan Elders believe it is crucial for humanity to prepare for this transition.
Why Now?
The Maya consider themselves the Keepers of Time, and prophesize that the new “Sun” is about to dawn. Wandering Wolf tells us that in order to facilitate the transition, we must collectively learn to cooperate, to treat each other, the earth, and it's life with dignity and respect. As he suggests, “We are one, like the fingers of one hand.” Wandering Wolf admonishes humanity to immediately stop wars, pollution, discrimination and avarice in order to avoid further tumult.
The wisdom offered by Wandering Wolf in Shift of the Ages delivers very potent and relevant messages for our times. Unfortunately, many non-Mayan researchers, academics and film makers have misrepresented the messages and prophecies of the Maya. Films like Apocalypto incorrectly portray the Maya as vicious human sacrificers and 2012 fuels fears that the Maya predicted the end of the world, which they did not.
Allow the Maya, through the Shift of the Ages film, to clarify these misconceptions and offer a new, empowering vision for our future that eases fears of 2012.
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