Jack Mullen
Activist Post
A government-created fear designed to enlist public support for controls, legislation, rules and regulation increasing government power, while reducing individual rights, is called a False Flag Event (FFE). The fear is usually something quite dramatic, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the decimation of the World Trade Centers.
But, fear can also be insidious, fanning out slowly like carbon monoxide filling an unventilated garage while a motor vehicle is running. Slow FFEs include promotional agendas regarding some anticipated dramatic violence such as propaganda-hyped pandemics, or the eventual nuclear arming of Iran.
False Flag Events are the hallmark of a tyrannical government. Legitimate governments eventually evolve into tyranny using a tool bag of tired, repetitious applications of fear and deceit - routinely utilizing murder, explosions, kidnappings, rape, war, and deception for effect. Deception is typically deployed using mind-controlling tools attached to information channels, such as print media, and in modern times, television, radio, magazines and more.
During the later stages of a developing tyranny, False Flag Events are an important part of the final transition from a government with controls residing with those governed to a totalitarian system where control resides entirely with those governing.
Everything that you think as being real, and true, will fade away.
Time for veil to come down and expose the truth about our reality.Get ready to move away from the trance state and re-connect
to our original awareness and wisdom state.
The freedom and liberty of eternal paradise is ours.
Time for veil to come down and expose the truth about our reality.Get ready to move away from the trance state and re-connect
to our original awareness and wisdom state.
The freedom and liberty of eternal paradise is ours.
In the United States of America, the former Federal Government has been captured and is now occupied by hostile foreign powers; and the False Flag was instrumental in the capture and subsequent usurpation of the National Government of America.
Beginning with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, a steady infiltration and replacement of critical agencies, staff and military positions of power, culminating in the assignation of John F. Kennedy, has rendered the government of United States Federal Government usurped and now under the control of International banking and insurance corporations and their owners.
The most significant act of violence, so far, leading to the tyranny now visible to anyone with the courage to look, was the False Flag Event of September 11, 2001 - the deliberate destruction of the World Trade Centers in New York City. The WTC FFE is very well explained in the following video ABOVE.
After the deliberately created trauma of 9-11, the American people were ready to accept the government’s “story” assigning responsibility for the acts of murder, and the destruction of property in World Trade Center complex, to a religious and geographically positioned group of people in the Middle East. Although it stretches the imagination to believe that technologically primitive people, with little or no access to United States flight control operations, the FAA, and military command operations, could conceivably coordinate what is clearly a sophisticated, highly organized and controlled operation causing defense systems to stand down allowing gigantic (target wise) planes to fly into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. Accepting the "story" meant also accepting transfer of individual rights and self-determination to collectors in the citadel of power now occupying the former Capitol of the United States of America.
In 2013, the inhabitants of the former United States are waking up and many are seeing the blatant lies, contradictions, deception, murder, blackmail, extortion and corruption manifesting within the Judicial system, and Executive Branch and Legislative Branches of the Governments. The outward straightforward and unbridled corruption now uncloaking in corridors of power is an ominous sign: tyranny is coming into its final expression of total power, arrogance, and the hubris such power must bleed.
Ongoing outright Lawless operations like Fast and Furious, a foiled attempt by the Justice Department and the Obama administration to sell military-style weapons to drug gangs in Mexico so blow back could be used to demonize and criticize and eventually eliminate the Second Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, have been exposed by the alternative media. Further atrocities such as the murders in Tucson Arizona, blamed on Jared Lee Loughner, the Aurora “Batman Massacre”, blamed on James Holmes, The Sandy Hook Elementary School Murders, blamed on Adam Lanza, and the Boston Marathon Bombing, blamed on the Tsarnaev Brothers, are False Flag Events to create fear and use it to disarm Americans.
More recently the public has become aware the government is lying about the death of Osama Bin Laden, lying about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, lying about the death of Michael Hastings, lying about the perpetrators of the Boston Bombing, and embarrassed by the Snowden revelations and the NSA’s total destruction of American privacy. Embarrassing a tyranny is like cornering a snake; there’s no doubt the snake is going to strike back. A tyranny in construction is a paranoid, dangerously unstable social construct, reacting with violence to attempts at reigning in its power and arresting the participants.
Evidence of the tyranny’s current state of paranoia can be seen in many public actions, including the build up of military-style weapons such as armored vehicles, bulletproof road booths used for stopping traffic during searches, and foreign troops being trained in the United States for purposes of urban pacification of American citizens.
Moreover, the government is buying ammunition at rates only necessary if they were planning to fight World War Two again, 34 times. The military is being prepared and trained to fight and kill Americans. The Department of Homeland Security has been training to shoot and kill Americans using custom design targets with pictures of pregnant white women, children, elderly and average looking white American Citizens. Note the targets are all white people, indicating a specific interest in decimating the white population when the shooting starts.
Racial targeting is a time-honored strategy of tyrannical takeovers. Racial targeting can be used for several reasons: one is a possible identification of a scapegoat, allowing other races to focus on the hated race and then provide support to the tyranny so long as the targeted race is seen as the primary enemy. Another might be to target the most likely race to oppose the rising tyranny with racial baiting to pit race against race, further distracting and demonizing the targeted race, solidifying un-targeted races behind the actions of the tyranny.
Recently the government, through the military, placed extraordinarily large orders with ammunition suppliers for standard caliber ammunition for Russian rifles and handguns. The ostensible reason being the depletion of these calibers used by Americans owning Russian weapons.
Americans are waking up in sufficient numbers to effectively push back against this rising tyranny - which is a foreign occupational army now controlling the former United States military and all key national security strongholds.
But, with this awakening comes the inevitable confrontation absolutely necessary to take back control of the country from the usurpers. This confrontation is something the occupational government forces must manage and control and short circuit if possible.
America is now at the confluence of two great streams of power: the government still officially pretending to be legitimate and the people still armed and beginning to question government legitimacy.
The government is still in control; they have the military, the soviet rhyming Department of Homeland Security, and the minds of most of the American State’s law enforcement agencies. But, Americans are still armed and many are awake.
What can we expect next?
The effectiveness of the False Flag Event diminishes quickly when people begin to wake up. The Boston Bombing False Flag Event was so poorly organized and executed and so well documented by private observers and people using cameras, the government nearly lost the pretension of authority as alternative news groups surrounded the “officials” and demanded answers to the blatant discrepancies.
Next then, we can expect a much larger and more violent attack on the American people using government apparatus and passed off as a terrorist attack; but this time, the size will be so large that questions regarding who, or what, caused the attack, will have to wait until Americans can deal with the enormity.
If the terrorists now running the usurped Federal Government do not make their move soon, awakening Americans will make their move. Arrests, trials and executions are what is required and Americans awake now understand that nothing short of a complete purge of the perpetrators will take back the government lost many years ago.
Now is the time to be vigilant to the ways in which the government has historically orchestrated a False Flag Event (FFE). One consistent indicator of a FFE is notification by the hostile tyranny (USG) that a drill is being planned, These drills can be in conjunction with an already planned event, such as during the Boston Marathon where drills were publicized, including the use of bomb sniffing dogs during the day of the race. Other drills are operated autonomously like the numerous drills in action on the day of September 11, 2001; see the film above.
Drills are cover and are absolutely necessary to give official pretense to operations that must be carried out in the light of day for a successful False Flag Event.
Drills are a prop, and propaganda is the lubricant smoothing the way for props to be placed so the FFE can proceed under cover of daylight. Propaganda usually comes before the drill begins, often in the form of news releases, happily passed along by State-run media outlets such as CNN, MSNBC and the other mainstream media whores regurgitating government press releases. Standard propaganda provides a few lines about the “official” reason for the drill and usually leaves the public with a feeling of being notified and empowered, since these drills are “naturally” being carried out to protect the inhabitants of America from harm - for the safety of the children of course.
So putting this all together, we know that the effectiveness of the FFE is slowly coming to an end. Additionally, because the public is aware, False Flag Events, like the Boston Bombings, are being photographed and filmed by private FFE watchers to the degree that successful use of the low-grade FFE is soon not going to be possible.
We also know that the government is sinking in scandals and allegations of corruption while a waking public is beginning to look for pitch forks. Therefore, it would seem logical, the usurper government would next attempt a Large Scale False Flag Event LSFFE, to divert attention and quickly organize into Martial Law from which the lying, deceitful, illegitimate government would rise and pretend to control and ameliorate the situation, using the crisis for expanding powers to the point of a total tyranny.
I also would mention, the same usurped government has been complicit with the owners of the banking and insurance rackets, Wall Street, and governments of Western nations, to create a financial crisis concomitantly to be triggered with a LSFFE. The financial event may begin before, during, or after the event. A financial crisis resulting in the total collapse of the financial system has been planned, coordinated and made ready to happen during a period of a LSFFE.
These events have a shelf life and the expiration date is very soon. The financial collapse can be forestalled, but not indefinitely, and the American people are awakening such that any further excuse to take complete control of America must begin shortly.
Evidence exists right now, and continues to develop, indicating a coming LSFFE. Please see the excellent research by Stephanie Sledge at the thegovernmentrag.com for a list of DRILLS in operation during the month August.
August 2013 World Wide Military Exercises during window of Potential False Flag Period
One of these drills is a simulated NUCLEAR ATTACK on Columbus Ohio in operation until August 17th.
Other drills listed in the article include:
**05AUG2013: Thousands of soldiers converge on Muscatatuck for disaster training
**04Aug2013: Unleashing The Wolves? Nuke Drills & US Embassies Closing
**04AUG2013: Many New Black Hawk Helicopters Arriving At Tulsa National Guard Base
**04AUG2013 – Boston’s Custom Designed Terror: Operation Urban Shield
**04AUG2013 – Mock town now exposed; Set up by U.S. Army for domestic urban warfare training
**01AUG2013: New Mexico Joint Military/Forest Service Simulated War Zone Concerns Residents
This is just a small sampling of drills happening around the country and around the world which are active right now.
Drills do not guarantee a LSFFE, but, if a such an event does happen, it is very likely a drill will be in operation, used as cover and to confuse loyal and low-level responders into thinking the real event is actually just part of the drill. For more information on concomitant drills during a State sponsored terror event, research the London Subway Bombing of July 7, 2005.
The time to take action against an aspiring tyranny is before the final concrete sets and the last nail is placed in the structures of power; because, after that point, Americans will have a much harder and bloodier job to do if they are ever to take back their governments and systems and property and country.
A final note: I continue to watch the metals markets, as they can be used as a bellwether for events unfolding. The primary gold and silver metals exchanges located in the United States and abroad are suffering a rapid depletion of stock, while simultaneously precious metal prices are being forced lower using a financial trick of selling paper gold and silver representing real metal that does not exist.
When the metal exchanges are depleted of gold and silver and supplies are not available for replenishment, the purchasing power of the dollar will collapse immediately relative to important commodities. Physical gold and silver prices will rise dramatically and a financial tsunami will begin with the collapse of gold and silver derivative products moving into banking credit-related derivatives and finally unleashing and unstoppable financial collapse (FFE ) on unsuspecting Americans.
Do what you can now to prepare. Be vigilant for moving props and filter your news for propaganda. Carry cameras and have the courage to film and report on corruption and unLawful government operations. Only by exposing the tyranny can we hope to gather enough support to take action before the bloodshed of a LSFFE.
Read other articles by Jack Mullen Here
Jack Mullen has been a businessman for more than 25 years, owning 3 radio stations, several technology based companies and a resource development company.
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" Please do not take my words as truth, find your own truth. Do your own research and take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. " - Buddy Huggins
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