
God's Movie

I loose the world from all I thought it was.
There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness. Can a world come from this idea be real? Can it be anywhere? Deny illusions, but accept the truth. Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world. Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released.
Today our purpose is to free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it. They can not be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them. And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free.

Always in Love, your Friend on a journey without distance.

"Ideas and extensive quotations in written form were taken directly from "A Course in Miracles" by The Foundation for Inner Peace, and "The Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary R. Renard."

The monthly Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment News features the
best spiritual movies for your awakening experience!

Now Playing at MWGE.org | November 2016


Your Mirrors are Everywhere

Watch Un-Inception with David - A Best Spiritual Awakening Signs

"The characters in your life aren’t really real, they’re just acting out the contents of the subconscious mind. If you can begin to grasp this, you’ll see what a blessing it is to have all the mirrors in your life who are showing you what needs to get exposed. You have mirrors everywhere just pointing to what’s going on in your mind."


David Hoffmeister
Your MWGE Guide

     MWGE Movie Review Excerpt
Inception Movie Review - Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment
NewsThe main character in this movie is looking to go home. A team is formed to help him do so. In our lives we meet people that seem to be part of our team, helping to expose the distortions in the mind—the unresolved guilt that results from the misuse of memories. We must get in touch with the guilt; it has to be healed piece by piece, through forgiveness. A dream within a dream, within a dream, helps you forget that you are dreaming. The dream is like a maze, but there is an exit! We are the architects of the dream, and everything in the dream is a symbol. Everyone in the dream is a projection of the unconscious and will respond according to the roles we have assigned them. Spirit, through the symbol of mighty companions, is willing to take the elevator down to the depths of the mind to help bring illusions to the light.
     Play Before Movie

Inception - Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment News

This movie frees your mind from this crazy, mad idea you could be separate from all of your brothers and sisters, and separate from God. This movie is about unwinding your mind from these layers of dreams and coming back to remember that you’re the dreamer of the dream, which is what you have to do to forgive it.
     Bonus Material

Welcome Home, Mr. Cobb, You Are Innocent

Welcome Home, Mr. Cobb - Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment

The final scene of Inception offers a glimpse into the real reason for Mr. Cobb's journey into his mind: to expose and release the thought that he's done something terribly wrong and to experience his innocence. In order to accomplish the mission, Mr. Cobb needs a team of mighty companions to help him navigate through the darkness and to see that he was mistaken about his identity. He is not a man, he is the Son and God Himself!

"The Illusion and the Reality of Love" from ACIM

The Illusion and the Reality of Love YouTube - Movie Watcher's
Guide to Enlightenment NewsMr. Cobb needs the help of his mighty companions to pull him out of his fantasy world with Mal and to see the underpinnings of hatred and guilt in the relationship. A Course in Miracles, Chapter 16, "The Illusion and the Reality of Love," illustrates why the special love relationship is the last hurdle to returning to our home in Heaven.

God's Movie Explores Question: Is This a Dream or is it Real?

Movie - Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment News

Newest Site Features
The Danish Girl Movie Review - Movie Watcher's Guide to
Enlightenment News

Movie Touches On
Trust, Gender, Roles
And Fear of Love

Themes: Special Relationship, Vibrational Connection, Acceptance, Roles, Collaboration
Identity and self-concept disguise who we truly are. Opening up to love is always key, and the mind attracts the people and situations where heart openings can occur.
A Man Called Ove Movie Review - Movie Watcher's Guide to
Enlightenment News

Ove Opens Up To
Connection & Love

Themes: Anger, Attack, Depression, Loneliness, Acceptance, Opening to Love
Having lost his wife, Ove is bound by deep loneliness and grief. He develops a hard shell that keeps everyone away. This is a movie that deals with repressed emotions and opening up to connection and an unexpected friendship.

Newly-Added Movies with Commentary
Reveal Profound Metaphysical Themes

New movies with commentary on MWGE.org

Inception Mini Poster - Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment

People in Your Life are Showing You
What You Think & Believe, For Release

The main teaching of the Movie Watcher’s Guide to Enlightenment is that the world is symbolic. That’s the only lesson to learn of this world. There’s nobody “out there,” it’s just symbolic. A Course in Miracles says that you’ve peopled the world with your thoughts. A helpful prayer at the beginning of the day is to ask that the characters in your dream to show your thoughts and beliefs so you can become aware of them and then let them go. If you’re not even aware of beliefs like betrayal, rejection and attack then you’ll see characters out on the screen acting these behaviors out as if they’re separate from the mind. But it’s always one’s own mind. If you spot it, you got it. It can be shocking at first to realize this, but then you can see it another way: this mind watching is my way out of the matrix. You have to be made aware of what’s in the mind before you can let it go.
For more about watching movies with MWGE, watch our intro video here
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Join David Hoffmeister for Easter 2017 in Utah!

Join David Hoffmeister for Easter 2017 in Utah!

Come for the 2017 ACIM Easter Conference organized by James Twyman at the Swiss-style Zermatt Resort in Midway, Utah, and stay for the intimate Going Deeper Retreat at the Living Miracles Monastery—a beautiful one-hour drive from the conference venue.
Happy Movie Watching!The MWGE Team
Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment News

contact@mwge.org | www.mwge.org


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