
The TRUTH About LIFE After DEATH - Does The SOUL Live After DEATH? Tom Campbell 2019

Related imageIn this video Tom Campbell spills the truth on life after death and if we really get to reunite with our long dead relatives in the afterlife. Tom Campbell (who believes in simulation theory) explains all this with something he calls Uncle Fred. So do we survive death? What are the afterlife experiences heaven? Does the soul live after death? What is the afterlife like? These are the questions we'll explore in this video. The death of the physical body does not extinguish our awareness. We remain conscious as we move into the afterlife, which is just another virtual reality frame. I know many of you think this all merely speculation, but from my own 30 years of research and experience, I personally believe it to be true. However, I urge you to do your own research and subscribe if you haven’t already. Anyway, without further ado, here’s Tom, who is a scientist and consciousness researcher, talking about what happens to us after we die.

Image result for The TRUTH About LIFE After DEATH  Tom Campbell 2019I hope you enjoyed the video and got something useful from it. The main point Tom made is that our relatives and friends who died before us really no longer exist as we knew them. Instead, they’ve merged with their higher self, have evolved and likely reincarnated into a new body to play the game again. After we die, we may meet our deceased friends and relatives in the afterlife, but it’s only the greater conscious system using saved data to generate a non-player character in order to make us feel better and provide resolution. In other words, the loved one you meet in the afterlife is not real, but a computer-generated personality that contains all the characteristics of the person you once knew. Once the interaction with that personality is over, we move on and evolve. Tom’s argument makes perfect sense to me but it may take you a while to process, as it goes against most thinking. Anyway, thanks for tuning in this long. Please subscribe for more great content and I’ll see you in the next video.


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