
How Soul Recycling Creates Linear Time

PART - 2

In the previous video, we discussed the hypothesis that we live the same lifetime over and over, and that we are split into hundreds or maybe thousands soul aspects of ourselves.  
Each aspect living in what they perceive as a separate time period, in which each aspect repeats the same lifetime/time loop repeatedly, until they qualify to ascend within En.ki’s control system, which we call the Patrix in our videos.

PART - 1 - Start Here:

This is undoubtedly one of the most difficult topics to bridge in dealing with the spiritual awakening happening now. Approached from our polarized minds, there is no way to bridge the gap in our understanding. To even imply that EVIL has a higher purpose sounds insane; yet that is precisely what I am trying to remind even myself. All things work together for good! All things! That's so easy to forget.


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