
Is This Cheating? “Little Known” Biohacks That Will Make You Superhuman

SUMMARY 1. Balance neurotransmitters - Use Coffee + 100 Mg of Theanine 2. Fix a leaky brain - Do hot-cold contrast showers (20 seconds cold then 10 seconds hot for 5 minutes) 3. Do some breathing exercises - Inhale normally and try to hold your breathe for 40 seconds and up or slowly inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breathe for 5 seconds and then exhale for 5 seconds. You can change the time gradually. 4. Eat properly - Try out meat from animal organs. Balance Omega 6 (Vegetable Oil, Cereal, Pork etc.) and Omega 3 (Fish, Pastured Eggs, Flax seeds etc.) oils in your body. 5. Take supplements - Try out desiccated liver capsules (B12, Taurine), intellect tree seeds, "Qualia mind" smart drug 6. Upgrade your head - Regulate your sleep/wake cycle with Light Therapy (RE-Timer glasses), exercise your cells with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (Earth pulse & Flex pulse devices) 7. Get some good sleep - At nights expose yourself with a RED LIGHT ONLY 8. Burn some fat - Don't eat for like 12-16 hours before you wake up, do some easy exercise for like 20 - 30 minutes, after that make 2-5 minutes of cold shower and drink a coffee or green tea


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