
How I Discovered the Oneness of God and Humanity Beyond Religion


In this video, In this video, I share how I left behind the narrow and divisive beliefs of Christian fundamentalism that I adopted at a young age. I reveal how I searched for the truth in different religions and spiritual traditions, and how I discovered the commonality and beauty of their teachings. I also explain how I came to understand the oneness of God and humanity, and the love that crosses all boundaries. I invite you to join me on this journey of discovering the oneness of God and humanity beyond religion. This video is based on the words of Gary Sigler, a friend of mine and a spiritual teacher

00:00 - introduction by Gary Sigler 00:28 - We will all produce the fruit of godliness 00:37 - I am so thankful for my journey 01:05 - I began to study Eastern religions 01:29 - I found the commonality of among almost all the religions 01:50 - Focus on loving God 02:03 - I found almost all denominations are in Boxes 02:09 - Conclusion: Until we all individually blow up all of our boxes and become all inclusive of everyone we will never understand the heart of God. Jesus said by this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have love one for another Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - https://amzn.to/3IdsIt1 Website http://sigler.org. Listen to the song go here http://sigler.org/I'llTakeYouBack.mp3 Gary Sigler's Website - https://www.sigler.org/


Acts 17:26 He made from one [common origin, one source, one blood] all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth. AMP


God, the source of all that is, made of one, all the nations of the earth. That understanding that we are coming into, is that love crosses all boundaries. We are all connected with the source and have the same life. Jesus said “I am the vine and you are the branches.” The vine and branches are all of one and produce fruit. Since we are all connected to the source we will all produce the fruit of godliness. Instead of focusing on what is wrong with us we need to focus on the truth of our oneness with God and one another.


I am so thankful for my journey because all of the years that I was desperate, thinking that I wasn’t good enough or I couldn’t be holy enough with all the bad habits I had made me desperate for God. However all of those things were what drove to seek after God, because I couldn’t find the reality in my experience.


I studied Jehovah’s Witnesses; I studied with the Mormons; I studied with the Baptists. I didn’t go to the Catholics because a lot of my ancestors were Catholics, so I didn’t feel that was the place to go. I couldn’t find what I was looking for in any of those places. And so I began to study some of the Eastern religions. I thought somebody must have the truth. I was searching for truth and could not seem to find it.


For many years I read books from different religions but nothing out there could satisfy me for very long. But I’m so glad I did that, because once the revelation of my true being was revealed to me, I realized that all of those different areas that I was looking for God in, all of them, at the root of their beginnings were just spiritual people looking for the truth. I found the commonality among almost all the religions of the world, that most of them, whoever the teacher was, whether it was Buddha or whoever, they had some absolutely wonderful spiritual truths. Once they died, then the people that followed them created a religion out of their teaching.


They didn’t follow their example of living, but just built a box around their teaching. Christians have done the same thing. They have all built a little box around their truth. The Baptists will say the Pentecostals are full of the devil because they speak in tongues and believe in healing and all of that. And the Pentecostals will say, “Well the Baptists are wrong because they don’t believe in speaking in tongues.” Almost all denominations, even non-denominational groups, have their little boxes. Until we all individually, blow up all of our boxes and become all-inclusive of everyone, we will never understand the heart of God. Jesus said “By this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have love one for another.


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