
Did Jesus Worship Yahweh? This Information Is Key! Finally We Can Understand! Paul Wallis Q & A

Exploring Jesus’ References to God and the Concept of a Holographic Universe

In this thought-provoking video, we delve into some fascinating questions about Jesus’ teachings and ancient philosophical ideas. Our discussion begins with an intriguing question: Did Jesus ever use the name of the Old Testament God, Yahweh? The answer, as explained, is no. Jesus referred to God using the Greek word “Theos,” meaning the Creator, and also called Him “Father” and “Abba,” which can mean “Daddy” or “Sir.” This distinction is significant as it shows Jesus’ different approach to the divine compared to the Yahwist texts of the Old Testament.

The video further explores how Jesus distanced himself from the Yahwist laws and stories, presenting himself as a successor and replacement to Moses. This perspective was clear to the early Christians, who decided that Christianity would not be built on Yahwist stories or laws, as evidenced in Acts 15 and Colossians 2:14.

The discussion then shifts to how early Church fathers like Origen and Clement of Alexandria interpreted these texts. They believed that the Yahweh and Elohim stories were not about God but about other powerful entities, which they referred to as the “Craftsman” or “Demiurge.” These beings were seen as powerful enough to terraform but were neither human nor divine. This interpretation aligns with the idea that Jesus handled these scriptures differently, possibly viewing these entities as something other than divine.

The video also touches on the concept of a holographic universe, a topic popularized by the Matrix movies. This idea suggests that our reality is a projection from an abstract realm of mathematics or codes. Interestingly, this concept can be traced back to Plato’s teachings about forms, where everything we see is a download from an abstract realm of ideas. Plato’s thoughts on this matter are compared to modern DNA research and paleobiology, highlighting the leaps required in evolutionary theory to explain the transition from land animals to aquatic ones, like whales.

Join us in this deep dive into theological and philosophical discussions that challenge conventional interpretations and offer new insights into ancient texts and ideas.

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