
Senator Josh Hawley Confronts Federal Official Over Greenbelt Express Project

In a recent Senate hearing, Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri questioned
Eric Beightel, the Executive Director of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, about the controversial Greenbelt Express project. This project involves a transmission line crossing Kansas and Missouri, which has sparked significant opposition from local farmers.

Key Points from the Hearing:

  1. Introduction:

    • Senator Hawley begins by confirming the pronunciation of Mr. Beightel’s name and then dives into questions about the Greenbelt Express.
  2. Overview of the Greenbelt Express:

    • The Greenbelt Express is a 542-mile transmission line project currently in the NEPA phase, with a draft environmental impact statement expected soon. It has received FAST 41 coverage, which aims to streamline the permitting process.
  3. Controversy and Opposition:

    • Hawley highlights the strong opposition from Missouri farmers, who are concerned about the project taking their land without fair compensation. He criticizes the project for benefiting a private company, Invenergy, at the expense of local landowners.
  4. Lack of Discretion and Accountability:

    • Beightel explains that his agency does not have discretion over granting FAST 41 coverage if a project meets the statutory criteria. Hawley expresses frustration over this lack of discretion, suggesting that the process favors corporations over local farmers.
  5. Impact on Missouri Farmers:

    • Hawley emphasizes the negative impact on Missouri farmers, who have been fighting for fair compensation and a voice in the process. He criticizes the federal agencies for prioritizing corporate interests over those of small family farmers.

Memorable Quotes from Senator Hawley:

  • “Why is it a good idea to go over the heads of the people of Missouri and give this expressway, which is being developed by a private company that’s making probably billions of dollars on it as they take farmers’ land?”
  • “I think it’s outrageous that a private corporation can take this kind of land. We’re talking about a massive corridor right across the central part of Missouri.”
  • “If you really just are rubber stamping whatever comes before you, let’s just shut down your council and replace you with a computer algorithm.”

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri - Podcast / Playlist:

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