
Senator Josh Hawley Questions Judicial Nominee on Gender Laws and Judicial Integrity

In a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri engaged in a rigorous exchange with a judicial nominee. This hearing also featured questioning from Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. The focus of Hawley’s questioning was on the nominee’s past articles and statements regarding gender laws and the separation of church and state. This blog post provides a detailed overview of the key moments and quotes from the hearing.

Key Points from the Hearing:

  1. Introduction:

    • Senator Hawley begins by referencing a comment from the nominee’s article about judges needing to see the world through a secular lens.
  2. Questioning the Nominee’s Views on Gender Laws:

    • Hawley challenges the nominee on their statement that laws based on biological gender place an impossible burden on the judiciary and blur the lines between church and state.
    • He questions whether distinguishing between male and female is a violation of the First Amendment.
  3. Concerns About Judicial Recusal:

    • Hawley expresses his belief that the nominee’s positions are “insane,” particularly the idea that laws protecting women’s locker rooms from biological men are impermissible.
    • He suggests that the nominee would need to recuse themselves from many cases due to their views.

Memorable Quotes from Senator Hawley:

  • “I think these positions are insane. I think the idea that laws based on the distinction between male and female are a violation of church and state is insane.”
  • “Totally insane. I think the idea that laws that would say women’s locker rooms are protected from biological men, that those are impermissible. That’s insane.”

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