Manataka™ American Indian Council
The Conscious Being
By Lee Standing Bear Moore and the Spirit of Takatoka
The whole world is speaking...
Be still a moment
Listen with your heart
There are beings all around you
Do not be afraid to hear them
The ancestors, the elders, the living spirits of nature
With their guidance, we will thrive Together.
Listen deeply
Be in conversation with the World.
Modern science has a brought great wealth of understanding to the physics of the universe. Comprehension of the laws of nature has advanced human progress in countless arenas of human endeavor. However, science cannot explain why these laws exist or how the laws of nature came into being.
In this article, we discuss the source of human existence on earth in terms of consciousness in its various forms, and advance the concept of using the power of conscious thought in concert with large numbers of other humans to create a new mass consciousness, a new paradigm of human behavior, and a new world.
We understand that without consciousness, human beings would not perceive sciences, arts, or each other. Without consciousness, humans would not understand the relationship between ourselves and the universe. We would not know the deep connection with our environment. We could not feel or recognize emotions such as love. We could not know the peace of spirituality. Without consciousness, humans would not be motivated to search the depths of human existence and interaction with the world around us. Humans would not experience or know anything without consciousness.
Manataka asks, what is infinite consciousness? What lays beyond space and time to encompass all that is or ever will be? What creates the objects of our perceptions and masters the human cognitive process? There can be only one answer to these questions. Modern science deals in theory and is often confounded by illusion, but the laws of nature, defined and verified by science are reality as we know it through conscious discernment.
There is more than one level of consciousness. The two lowest levels, subliminal perception and ordinary awareness, or self consciousness, are concerned primarily with self – with the mundane existence of every day living and coping with the challenges of survival. But, there is a continuum or spectrum of consciousness that extends far beyond.
Cosmic consciousness is an awareness of the life and order of the universe. Awareness at higher levels, that we call the ‘knowing’ levels, that are given to those who practice ritual and self-denial of food – fasting, sleep deprivation, vision quests, nature walks, drumming, interaction with other humans. Other ways of achieving an intimate link between the Great Mystery and humans include meditation, prayer and ceremony. God consciousness rises above and reaches into the sublime and holy union between humans and the Creator of All Things.
Albert Einstein said, “ can’t solve a problem with the kind of consciousness that gave rise to the problem...” Einstein knew that a person must achieve or create a new consciousness or way of thinking in order to overcome problems created by the old paradigm of thinking.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “ the change you want to see in the world...” This means a new kind of consciousness is necessary to achieve the world you want to see around you -- dreaming the dream and actualizing the dream by being.
Manataka’s Grandfather Lee Standing Bear Moore says, “...Speak it with your lips and it will become reality...” This means the power of our conscious mind can alter our awareness and create a new world around us.
More and more people around the world are awakening to the idea that they can alter their consciousness. Millions of people are becoming knowledgeable of methods to achieve “super-consciousness” or “quantum consciousness”. Sri Aurobindo, an East Indian philosopher and guru says the “...emergence of super-consciousness in ever more people is the beginning of the next evolution of human consciousness...”
In a recent article entitled “Quantum Consciousness – our evolution, our salvation” appearing in the Huffington Post, Ervine Laszlo, a Hungarian philosopher of science says:
“...I believe that quantum consciousness could be the next stage in the evolution of our consciousness—and that this evolution could be our salvation...”
“Swiss philosopher Jean Gebser spoke of the coming of four-dimensional integral consciousness, rising from the prior stages of archaic, magical, and mythical consciousness. The American mystic Richard Bucke called the new consciousness "cosmic," and in the colorful spiral dynamics developed by Chris Cowan and Don Beck, it's the turquoise stage of collective individualism, cosmic spirituality, and Earth changes. For philosopher Ken Wilber these developments signify an evolutionary transition from the mental consciousness characteristic of both animals and humans, to subtle consciousness, which is archetypal, transindividual, and intuitive, to causal consciousness, and then ultimately to "consciousness as such."
“Psychiatrist Stanislav Grof summed up the characteristics of the emerging consciousness as "transpersonal." There is remarkable agreement among these visionary concepts. Superconsciousness, integral consciousness, cosmic consciousness, turquoise-stage consciousness, and consciousness as such are all forms of consciousness that transcend the divide between you and me, the individual and the world, the human being and nature. If these thinkers are right, this kind of consciousness will be the next stage in the evolution of the consciousness of our species...”
American Indian people are survivors – they adapt well to anything nature or other humans throw at them. This is a true statement because their elders hold tightly to the ancient ways of transcending consciousness and thus leading their people into a brighter future. Their philosophy of life has not only survived – it is growing as millions of adherents across the globe find peace and direction from its truths. Yes, an increase in human consciousness is directly related to indigenous cultural expressions that are growing at phenomenal rates across the planet among many cultures.
Cosmic Changes
The approaching “Cosmic Alignment”, also known as “The Shift of The Ages” has been a topic of great interest to scientists and “light workers” for decades. Much attention has been drawn to the completion of the 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar. The earth’s alignment with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way coincides with the winter solstice on December 21, 2012. Planetary and inter-stellar alignments are occurring at the same time that earth passes through a massive photon cloud. It is believed that this special time of convergences is part of the predictions of ancient prophesies. All life on earth feels these alignments in their internal circuitry. Could this phenomena cause an involuntarily change in human consciousness?
New World Order
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionosperic research program jointly funded by the U.S. military, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA). Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. ELF or Extremely Low Frequency waves from HAARP can when targeted on certain areas, engineer weather and create mood changes effecting millions of people.
The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) is a command and control communications system intended for use by the United States government to facilitate military communications before, during and after a nuclear war. Specifically, GWEN was constructed to survive the effects of a high-altitude nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse to insure that the United States President or his survivors can give a launching order to strategic nuclear bombers. GWEN transmitters have many different functions, including controlling the weather, mind, behavior and mood control of the populace.
Everything that generates electricity, machines and equipment that generate electromagnetic and gravitational fields and radiation, affects all aspects of life. Government mandated or permitted consumption of metallic fluoridated food and water decreases intelligence and increase susceptibility to electromagnetic frequencies. The properties of the electromagnetic fields are exploited in many areas of industry and by governments worldwide. Has government declared war on the Awakening? Is the New World Order ready to launch its vast arsenal against Light Workers?
Powerful worldwide mega-corporations, governments and organized religions will not allow major changes in our economic and political systems. These world-wide institutions fought long and hard for the turf they occupy and they are not about ready to give it up.
Arguments Against Consciousness
This argument is single-minded and fails to consider that being able to quantify and identify individual cells in the universe of consciousness is not necessary to see and know its expanse – do we count every drop of water in the ocean to verify the existence of the ocean? Understanding the rise in the collective consciousness of mankind is not simple speculation -- It is a new reality.
There are people who do not believe this. They do not think an increase in love for our Earth Mother and all things will come from some abstract transcendence in to another dimension of consciousness. While they believe that man’s greed and selfishness will one day destroy man’s ability to survive, they are unwilling to accept the idea that God’s gift of consciousness shifting is the answer. Instead, they believe if humans somehow change our priorities and revamp our entire economic and political systems, our world culture will magically transform into a place where all humans, animals and environment will survive. The vast majority of people in the world today realize that current economic and political systems are not sustainable. A change of this magnitude will not happen without a major shift in our collective consciousness.
Scientists once believed DNA was static or permanent, not changeable. However, today science understands DNA surges, moves and pulses as it is modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields, sound, thoughts and feelings. Wow! we can change our DNA by thinking!
But today the breakdown of the unsustainable cultural practices is inevitable and moving closer to reality. Consumerism, capitalist indoctrination, greed and selfishness are the engines that drive unsustainable lifestyles and destruction of the environment – and humankind. While we understand these things are not good, as our religions and philosophies teach, we are caught in a fast moving train that is heading for an abyss. Will mind-moving through sacred guided imagery and focused awareness move humanity away from the abyss? Only God knows.
Will the New World Order be effective in its efforts to impose brain-bending technologies to eliminate vast numbers of people from the Awakening? Only God knows.
Does modern civilization have enough time left to willingly make the major changes in our basic philosophies and lifestyles? It is doubtful. Therefore, humans are faced with eventual environmental destruction and annihilation unless God intervenes. Will God allow humans to awaken to the realities we face and transcend to a dimension whereby major changes can take place and thus deliver us from the evil? Is there enough time left to affect major changes to more sustainable economic and political systems? Only God knows.
The Great Mystery set things in motion long ago to bring us closer to infinite and cosmic consciousness. We must escape the collective consciousness of past generations, removing negativity and destructive philosophies and thought patterns. We must remove the words "want and lack" from our vocabulary as these images limit the endless bounty of our planet and cause a scramble for the resources available. Ownership is God’s alone as we are only stewards of this world. It is no small Awakening to overcome a world filled with greed and selfishness. It is a magnificent Awakening to accept the love and bounty possible.
The Conscious Being - Part II
The people of Manataka and the sacred site of Manataka will play a significant role helping to inform millions of people worldwide who yearn to discover how these events will be presented and ways they will affect our human lives and spirits.
The sacred Place of Peace is a haven, an island of sanctuary amid a world of confusion and conflict. By the grace of the Great Mystery and through the power of the holy spirit, the Valley of the Vapors will provide clean air, pure water from the womb of the Mother, food from the forest and shelter for the thousands who will find their way here during the time of transition. The Warriors of the Rainbows of Manataka will help us to create a new consciousness, a new world where love and cooperation are paramount.
Shawn Mikula, a neuroscientist at John Hopkins University once said, "...The vast majority of mankind is trapped within perceptual prisons... and we as a species must escape..." We agree that man creates many prisons of the heart and mind and it is imperative for the survival of mankind that we find a way out. Creating mass consciousness is a new frontier that will permit us to release the chains of egocentric thought and transition to a more beautiful and pure place of peace.
It is impossible to know for certain the moment in time when human consciousness will experience an awareness of itself. The gradual change into a collective state of transcendence began long ago, but the moment when the Awakening occurs is beyond our comprehension.
American Indian grandfathers and grandmothers of old times were wise not to create a dogma or doctrine that would profess such knowledge. They were wise not to tell their grandchildren ways to conceive through imagination or spiritual visions what the journey would be like or what the other dimension would look or feel like. Even the prophesies of the ancients do not venture into this forbidden realm - as only the Creator of All Things possesses knowledge of the unknown future. It is impossible for humans to conceptualize the dream of light.
However, a collective or mass consciousness state of mind to the next level of awareness can be imagined, intellectually discerned, emotionally felt and spiritually seen. These facts are not discordant with previous statements about the forbidden realm. For example, we cannot see through a black hole in space, beyond its inner horizon, because light cannot escape from the black hole. And, we cannot fathom what is beyond on the other side, but, but we do know that it exists, and therefore, we can explore its being -- as we are doing now in this article.
Shawn Mikula, in his article entitled, "The Consciousness Singularity" compares what a monkey or rat might experience if its limited consciousness were unexpectedly raised to the level of a human.
"Before the transition, it would be incapable of imagining what it's like to have human consciousness simply because it's beyond its limited cognitive capabilities. In the same manner, our species will undergo such abrupt transitions in consciousness of such magnitude that we cannot even begin to fathom what these new states of consciousness are like."
Mikula asserts that "...In the same manner, our species will undergo such abrupt transitions in consciousness of such magnitude that we cannot even begin to fathom what these new states of consciousness are like..."
Contrary to Mikula's theory, we believe that increases in human consciousness do not occur abruptly, but instead, happen in an evolutionary manner just like all creation before. The moment will occur gradually over a period of time.
The transition began slowly hundreds of years ago. Increases or spurts in mass-awareness occurred in concert with specific incidents in history. Traumatic events in world history acted as catalysts that drove humans toward increased awareness and mass consciousness.
With each war, time of famine, plague, natural disasters and other forms mass annihilation, large numbers of Indian people turned to their ancestral Creator and searched for spiritual ways to escape the onslaught. Of course, many indigenous people were forced to convert to Christianity at the point of a sword and voluntarily joined to save their own skins, but they were nonetheless, seeking spiritual answers and longed for conscious enlightenment.
The same phenomena can be seen among other populations during the course of human calamity. Religious fervor soared after the Civil War as thousands of new churches sprang up. World War I and World War II contributed greatly to the desire of people find a place of peace as new religions and cults sprang up everywhere. Collectively, all the major catastrophes in the past contributed to increases in human consciousness. For centuries, the pattern has been the same worldwide
Humans are at the precipice of realizing an expanded consciousness. We will mind-move our reality above the confines of our ego to adopt a selfless, transcendent identity, to develop a combination of expanded individual consciousness and a form of collective consciousness. Humanity's highest potential will be realized. This new, transpersonal experience will lead the human form to even greater heights of recognition and understanding of spiritual and transcendent states of consciousness.
This process of continued development and expansion requires spiritual self-development and realization of the Oneness of all things through sacred ceremonies, vision quests, purification rites, prayer and meditation. We must learn to bring into balance our mental and emotional energy to connect with our heart's innate guidance; We must lessen stress brought on by society's ever-increasing distractions and distortions; we must ease the pressure of planetary anxiety and stress by respecting the Earth Mother and getting closer to her vibrations.
When our hearts, brains and nervous systems are lucid, coherent and balanced, we have greater concentration and sacred knowing gently moves our being into a place of peace (Manataka).
Fear not, for all shall pass in accordance with the Divine Will.
Some Things To Think About
- Creating a peaceful and sustainable world requires an evolutionarily adaptive consciousness of oneness and belonging.
- Teach constant God-consciousness and deepest truths about the unseen universe of the spirit.
- Remove distractions from your life, block out electronic noise, allow your heart, brain and soul to receive.
- Prayer and meditation are important to creating a new consciousness. Prayer heals.
- Raising ones consciousness does not mean acquiring more information. It means new knowledge, a new way of thinking.
- Creating mass consciousness is cooperating with each other on a higher level.
- Creating mass consciousness makes us realize that all things are connected – what we do to the least of them, we do to ourselves.
- Creating mass consciousness makes us feel the world around us and brings us into harmony with all things of nature and beyond.
- Creating mass consciousness allows us to leave behind the world of greed and competition and enter the world of love and cooperation.
- Creating mass consciousness erases ideas that separate us from each other; political borders, national and racial discrimination, greed, fear, and hate.
- Creating mass consciousness is understanding everything is interconnected and consciousness is interconnected within itself.Creating mass consciousness is done for survival -- for our children's children
- Send love energy to all.. friend and feign alike.Everything that is mean to be happens fast, easily, effectively, efficiently.
- Earth’s population is now over 7 billion people -- requiring at least 8,844 of them loving and cooperating together to create a mass consciousness.
Music and Moonlight
We are the music makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone seabreakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems…
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Ninevah with our sighing,
And Babel itself in our mirth;
And o’erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world’s worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone seabreakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems…
We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Ninevah with our sighing,
And Babel itself in our mirth;
And o’erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world’s worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.
(Arthur O’Shaughnessy, Music and Moonlight (1874)
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