
[DS] playbook exposed. These people are stupid.

New coronavirus infections may drop to zero by end-March in Wuhan: Chinese government expert: https://reut.rs/2vQIEQ9 Democrats’ hunt for Trump slayer may lead to Hillary Clinton comeback: Goodwin: https://bit.ly/38EkDsO White wins 99th District special election: https://bit.ly/3aGugst Putin had the delegation with Erdogan stand under the statue of Catherine II: https://bit.ly/38D0i7o #Russia TV runs footage showing how #Putin made #Turkey's President #Erdogan wait: https://bit.ly/38H5QxP As a result of President @realDonaldTrump’s leadership, every state lab in the Country can now conduct Coronavirus testing.:https://bit.ly/3aHbwsY "Greece I am now calling on you to open your gates: https://bit.ly/2wKZf7S Seriously, how long are we going to pretend that Pelosi and Biden don’t have severe dementia?: https://bit.ly/2PX9DjF


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