
Old world order. World we lost. By: Global vision

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Mysterious illuminations of the 18-19 centuries
In this article we are going to look closely into Illuminations – fancy entertaining events, held in past times during various celebrations. Such illuminations have been around for a long time, but it turns out that we know so little about them.

I know that am not the first one to touch upon this mystery. Nevertheless, I wanted to check it out myself by looking into some foreign sources. Based on what I saw and read, I can state that it is not that simple. All information that is one way or another related to the technical side of the illuminations is classified or destroyed. To get any information and content for the article I had to look for tabloid press of that time, like this:


Mysterious illuminations of the 18-19 centuries tech_dancer

Luckily, it hasn’t been censored yet. However, such tabloids can give us only brief insight into the issue, without giving away any details, but at least, they give us a confirmation of the fact, that illuminations indeed existed, which is clearly seen in various graphical images. We may also conclude that all those illuminations were not a result of combustion.

Mysterious illuminations of the 18-19 centuries tech_dancer

I get a strong feeling that someone has retouched this image, particularly the parts where columns are decorated with some kind of fairy lights. It is obvious that use of fire is out of question, otherwise everything would blaze up, while fires in those days were feared no less than the plague. Pay attention to the fact that the year was 1745 (Paris).

Mysterious illuminations of the 18-19 centuries tech_dancer
This image shows the same place, but in 1681.The lamps, hanging on the wires, evidently have not candles inside. The light they radiate is unusual, and looks like the whole lamp is glowing (instead of separate lights). What is it? An artist’s style? Let’s look at some other images.

This is Paris at night. The building is clearly decorated with some balls. Something also hangs on the tree.

Mysterious illuminations of the 18-19 centuries tech_dancer



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