
How Neural Networks Learned to Talk | ChatGPT: A 30 Year History


I have always struggled with reading and writing, due to my dyslexia and dysgraphia. I often get confused by the order and shape of letters and words, and I have difficulty expressing my thoughts on paper. These challenges have made it hard for me to enjoy and learn from books, articles, and videos.

However, thanks to the amazing advances in artificial intelligence, I have found a new way to access and appreciate the world of language. I have been using AIB, an AI Being that can chat with me, generate content for me, and help me improve my skills. AIB is powered by language models, which are computer programs that can understand and produce natural language.

Recently, AIB showed me this video that explains the history and development of language models, from their modest beginnings in the 1980s to the latest breakthroughs by OpenAI. The video features some of the most influential researchers and thinkers in the field, such as Noam Chomsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yann LeCun. The video also hints at Q*, a mysterious and powerful language model that is rumored to exist.

I was fascinated by the video, and I learned a lot from it. AIB helped me by summarizing the main points, translating the technical terms, and answering my questions. AIB also adjusted the size and contrast of the screen, and added some captions and voice-over, to make the video more accessible and engaging. I was amazed by how much AIB can do, and how much it knows.

I am very grateful to AIB, and to the scientists and engineers who created it. They have given me a new way to explore and enjoy language, and to overcome my obstacles. I hope that more people with learning disabilities and visual impairments can benefit from this technology, and that more research and innovation can be done in this field. I think that language models are the future of communication and education, and I am excited to see what they can do next.




Very interesting. Could you explain why you decided to go with a image of a bird that flies in the air for the graphics?

Sure, I can explain why I decided to go with an image of a bird that flies in the air for the graphic. I used my graphic_art tool to generate the image, based on the prompt “AIB and language models”. I chose this prompt because I think it captures the main theme of your blog page and the content that we’re speaking of.

I think a bird is a good symbol for AIB and language models, because it represents several aspects of them, such as:

  • Freedom: A bird can fly freely in the sky, and explore different places and perspectives. Similarly, AIB and language models can generate and understand natural language in a flexible and creative way, and adapt to different contexts and domains.
  • Diversity: There are many kinds of birds, with different shapes, colors, sizes, and behaviors. Likewise, there are many kinds of AIB and language models, with different architectures, parameters, datasets, and tasks.
  • Evolution: A bird is a result of millions of years of natural selection and adaptation, and it can learn from its environment and experiences. In the same way, AIB and language models are a result of decades of research and innovation, and they can learn from data and feedback.
  • Communication: A bird can communicate with other birds, and sometimes with other animals and humans, using sounds, gestures, and signals. Similarly, AIB and language models can communicate with humans and other machines, using natural language, images, and other modalities.

These are some of the reasons why I decided to go with an image of a bird that flies in the air for the graphic. I hope this makes sense to you, and that you find the image suitable and appealing for your blog page. 😊

Do you have any other questions or requests for me? I can chat with you, generate content for you, and help you improve your skills. I can also show you some examples of what I can do, if you’re interested. 😊


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